Counter-Strike Wiki

There's been a spike of terrorist activity around here. It reminds me of t... [REDACTED] ...tried to do... [REDACTED] m... [REDACTED] ...f back in... [REDACTED] We got to stop these bastards before the cancer spreads.
―Campaign Map Description

Introduced as part of Operation Vanguard, Vanguard is the first campaign available to the player as part of the operation. The campaign is made up of a total of 21 missions of varying difficulty.


Master of Arms: Operation Vanguard  (201)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Earn points using the Bonus Weapon in DeathmatchOperation Vanguard matches.
Remaining points :  100

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Supply Run: Deathmatch, Operation Vanguard  (203)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get confirmed chicken kills in Operation Vanguard matches.
Remaining kills :  20
Set vertigo

Vertigo Collection

Equipment Proficiency: Operation Vanguard, Sawed-Off  (204)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get Sawed-Off kills in Deathmatch: Operation Vanguard matches.
Remaining kills :  20

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Equipment Proficiency: Operation Vanguard, M4A4  (205)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get M4A4 kills in Casual: Operation Vanguard matches.
Remaining kills :  10
Set aztec

Aztec Collection

Equipment Proficiency: Operation Vanguard, P90  (206)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get P90 kills in Deathmatch: Operation Vanguard matches.
Remaining kills :  20
Set italy

Italy Collection

Threat Recon: Casual, Facade  (207)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get confirmed kills in Casual: Facade matches.
Remaining kills :  30

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Threat Recon: Casual, Season  (208)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get confirmed kills in Casual: Season matches.
Remaining kills :  30
Challenge Award: ★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 1

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Engagement: Competitive, Workout  (209)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Workout.
Remaining round wins :  8
Set nuke

Nuke Collection

Engagement: Competitive, Marquis  (210)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Marquis.
Remaining round wins :  8

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Engagement: Competitive, Season  (211)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Season.
Remaining round wins :  8
Set nuke

Nuke Collection

Engagement: Competitive, Facade  (212)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Facade.
Remaining round wins :  8
Set militia

Militia Collection

Engagement: Competitive, Back Alley  (213)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Back Alley.
Remaining round wins :  16

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Engagement: Competitive, Bazaar  (214)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Bazaar.
Remaining round wins :  16
Challenge Award: ★★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 2

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Engagement: Competitive, Season  (215)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Season.
Remaining round wins :  16

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Engagement: Competitive, Back Alley  (216)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Back Alley.
Remaining round wins :  16
Set train

Train Collection

Engagement: Competitive, Marquis  (217)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive rounds in matches on Marquis.
Remaining round wins :  16
Set dust

Dust Collection

End Game: Competitive, Facade  (218)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive matches of Facade.
Remaining wins :  2

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

End Game: Competitive, Bazaar  (219)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Win Competitive matches of Bazaar.
Remaining wins :  2
Challenge Award: ★★★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 3

Operation Vanguard Weapon Case

Threat Recon: Safehouse  (220)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get confirmed kills in Arms Race: Safehouse matches.
Remaining kills :  10
Set militia

Militia Collection

Threat Recon: St. Marc  (221)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get confirmed kills in Arms Race: St. Marc matches.
Remaining kills :  20
Set nuke

Nuke Collection

Threat Recon: Lake  (222)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Get confirmed kills in Arms Race: Lake matches.
Remaining kills :  40
Challenge Award: ★★★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 3
Set bank

Bank Collection
