Counter-Strike Wiki
Csgo inventory panui

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Inventory Tab

The Inventory is a storage for a player's personal items, allowing for storage for all in-game items, including skins, containers, graffiti, etc. Items are kept in individual slots and can be inspected, named, used in a Trade Up Contract or certain items can be deleted. Most tool items (such as StatTrak™ Swap Tool and Name Tags) can only be used from within the inventory. Items are displayed in boxes, with their image, name and an accent to display their rarity.

Players can store up to 1000 items in their inventory. They can use Storage Units to store an additional 1000 items. However a player can only own 999 storage units, which means the absolute upper limit of items a player can own is 999,001.

The inventory was formerly displayed in pages of 30, but has since been updated to be an infinite scroll. It can be filtered by "Everything" (default), "Equipment", "Stickers Graffiti & Patches", "Containers & More" and "Display". These can then be filtered down further into weapon classes, types of containers, etc. The inventory can also be sorted by "Quality" (default), "Newest", "Alphabetical", "Equip Slot", "Collection" and "Equipped". You can also search for items and sort your search by the aforementioned orders. The inventory also provides a shortcut to the Steam Community Market.

Access to the inventory is available at all times, however, loadouts cannot be modified after Warmup in a Competitive, Premier Competitive or Wingman game.


Individual items from inside the inventory can be inspected by clicking on them to pop up a menu and clicking the Inspect option. This opens up a screen displaying the item's appearance in-game. Different types of items have different backgrounds for display.

Csgo item certificate

Item Certificate example.

Weapons can be inspected in two ways - just the weapon model, or an with a player model. These can be spun around with the mouse. Weapons will also have a small icon which can be hovered which displays the item certificate. This displays the item's Finish Style, Finish Catalog Number, Pattern Template, and Wear Rating.[1]


Panorama UI[]

Scaleform UI[]

