Counter-Strike Wiki
Csgoui mainmenu offers

Limited Offers UI

Sticker offer inventory item

The offer coupon

Csgo-community-sticker-2-coupon key

The offer claim tag

Csgo-community-sticker-2-bossyburger double store

An example of a store item received after submitting the claim tag

You have been selected to receive a limited time offer to purchase this item.
―Coupon description

The Offer Coupon was a unique inventory item randomly given to a player as a limited time claim ticket to be redeemed for the opportunity to purchase an item. However, the offer coupon has since been replaced by a rotating series of four randomly chosen "limited time offers" visible directly in the Global Offensive In-game Store.


Unlike other containers, the offer coupon was not dropped during play, but rather was placed randomly in a player's inventory when the player starts up the game. The player was notified of the offer coupon and when the offer coupon was opened, the player was taken to the in-game store and given a limited time offer to purchase a unique item. Once the player purchases the unique item, the offer coupon disappeared from the user's inventory. The coupon offer was only available to the player for seven days and could not have been sold or traded.


  • When a coupon was viewed in the inventory from outside the game, the offer coupon included the name of the item being offered.